
Registration required to take full advantage of all features, including accessing the Excel Databook containing consumer survey raw data and downloading report sections to PPT. Details here.
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Market research reports on consumer products and services and consumer behaviors; includes primary and secondary data and insights.
Mintel reports include a breakdown of consumer survey questions and responses.
Reports include: competitive landscape, market drivers and segmentation, consumer demographics and psychographics, leading companies, marketing strategies, and advertising and promotion
- Databook includes: raw data from Mintel’s surveys; includes demographic & psychographic primary data, available to download in excel.
Mintel research focuses on different perspectives important for understanding your market and consumer segmentation:
- Understanding the Industry/Market – e.g. Facial Skincare and Anti-Aging
- Understanding Consumer Motivations/Behaviors (the “why” behind their choices) –e.g. Evolving eCommerce: Beauty & Retailing
- Understanding How to Market to Specific Demographics – e.g. Marketing to Millennials, Women, Gen Z, Multicultural, etc.
- Analyst Insights into New Products and Trends – e.g. Bring Fun into Beauty & Self-Care Routines
- News about New Products and Trends – e.g. Lush Launches Vegan Makeup Brush
Tip: Keep searches simple – 1-2 words max
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