Business Databases

Global financial data, including markets, valuation, securities, constituent lists, sector indices, exchange-trade derivatives, fixed income, and more.
50+ industry profiles, U.S. public company Stock Reports with 10 years of financials, public and private company screening.
Market research reports on US consumer products and services, including market size, segmentation, channels, consumer demographics and psychographics.
Classes and certificates on data visualization, interview skills, and products such as Excel, R, Tableau and Adobe Creative Cloud.
Reports from the Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE) on a variety of contemporary topics affecting higher education.
Includes ebooks from university presses and other scholarly sources
Contact information and investment and fund data for U.S. and international VC and PE firms. Look up companies/funds or create custom lists.
Finance and consulting career resources includes technical and case interview courses, and peer reported company interview insights.
Financial and organizational data for over 1.8M IRS recognized U.S. nonprofits, community foundations, and faith-based organizations.
Worldwide industry news sources and scholarly journals covering the hospitality industry.