
FactSet requires registration which takes several days for activation. To register:
- Use your emory.edu email to register via GBS SharePoint. All other emails will be rejected.
- When prompted for your graduation month/year, provide correct information; all data is verified by Emory.
- Within 7-10 days, you will get an email confirming registration/login information (check your spam folder).
- Login at https://my.factset.com
Details on registering or updating your account.
Login Details
Register via GBS SharepointUse of databases requiring a GBS SharePoint registration or login are restricted to current Goizueta Business School faculty, students and staff for academic, career and personal enrichment, and may not be used for internships or employers. Proper Use of GBL Databases
Also includes deals, government, corporate, mortgage, money market, municipal, preferred, equity, commodity, index and currency issues. Contains some private company data.
Need More Help ?
FactSet HelpDesk
- 1.877.FACTSET (1.877.322.8738) available 24x7: help for accessing, logging in, or using specific applications or functionality
Accessing and Using FactSet in the Business Library
- In the Business Library: FactSet Client with Excel add-in is installed on Sao Paulo and La Paz computers.
- Both are located to the far right of the GBL entrance, beneath the FactSet sign hanging from the ceiling.
- Instructions for reloading FactSet Excel add-in
Differences between web access (MyFactset) and the Business Library client install
- Content and search functionality is the same.
- Client version – only option for using Excel Add-In
- Factset Quick Start Guide
- Screening for Deals in FactSet
- Generating League Tables in Factset
- Tips for using Factset Excel Add-In
- Locating TruValue ESG Data in FactSet
FactSet Certificates of Completion
- FactSet offers five certificates including portfolio analysis, screening and derivatives products.
- Get Started: login at https://learn.factset.com
- Interested in learning about financial modeling? Search "model" in the learning site to review the content.
- Use this link to add a Core Certification badge to your LinkedIn profiles
- FactSet Learning Academic FAQs
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Report a Problem
If you encounter a technical problem accessing this database, please let us know.
Proper Use of GBL Databases
Proper Use of Licensed Databases for Course-Affiliated Client Projects, Directed Studies, Field Studies, and Case Competitions. Have Questions? Send us a message at Ask a Librarian.