
Over 7000 digital newspapers and magazines in 60+ languages, all in their original format.
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Download the PressReader app.   PressReader is best for browsing and reading current issues of publications.

Login Details

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Use of databases requiring a GBS SharePoint registration or login are restricted to current Goizueta Business School faculty, students and staff for academic, career and personal enrichment, and may not be used for internships or employers. Proper Use of GBL Databases

  • Browse/search by specific title or category: Categories include Business & Current Affairs, Computers & Technology, and News. Additional topics are Fashion, Automotive, Food & Drinks, Sports, Gaming, Home & garden, and Travel & Culture, and more. 
  • Browse publications by country/region or language: On the home page, on the far right, use the All Countries/Regions or All Languages menus to make your selections. Next, select a category to view all the publications that match your filters. 
  • Determining back issues of publications: Typically, you only have access to the most 60-90 days of a publication, but it varies depending on the title. The only way to determine which previous issues are available is to click on the image of a specific publication. For example, for Newsweek, the most recent issue and previous 10 issues/weeks is available. Forbes only provides access to one issue at a time, and there is a 2 month embargo. 
  • Getting Help: Go to the Help Center for “how to” videos, learn how to enable text to speech, steps for downloading the app, access the Quick Start Guide, and more.

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Proper Use of GBL Databases

Proper Use of Licensed Databases for Course-Affiliated Client Projects, Directed Studies, Field Studies, and Case Competitions.  Have Questions?  Send us a message at Ask a Librarian.