Business Databases

The Economist magazine's weekly print edition and additional content, including special reports unique to the App access not available.
Reports and data covering country political and economic analysis, forecasts, and business regulations.
Global market research on digital consumerism, including advertising & marketing, social media, mobile usage, retail, and more.
Global market research reports & emerging country news, company profiles, industry insights, and more.
Articles from local, regional, national and international newspapers, industry trade publications, and social media networks.
Federal, state and international tax laws, regulations, cases, treatises and articles.
U.S. and Canadian industry trends, challenges, forecasts, and more for 200+ industries; covers small and niche industries.
Presents current monthly economic statistics for most of the countries and areas of the world.
U.S. grantmakers and their philanthropic activities. Search by companies, grantmakers, grants and 990 filings.
Imports and exports statistics for 200+ countries. Standardized and harmonized commodity-specific bilateral trade data from 1962.