Business Databases

Summaries and reviews in PDF and MP3 formats for top business books on topics such as strategy, entrepreneurship, leadership, and more.
Current and historical financials for large and mid-cap U.S. public companies, including market performance, analyst consensus, beta, key ratios, and more.
Learn about a country's business culture, customs, and etiquette. Covers 200+ countries.
Global market research data and analysis across industries with a five year view on critical disruption.
Articles back to 1906 from the weekly and daily versions of Variety, one of the best known entertainment industry trade magazines.
Global market research on retail, FMCG manufacturers, foodservice, technology, medical devices, and pharmaceutical sectors.
Covers TV, film, and digital entertainment; including data on production deals and releases, org charts and contacts for studios, distributors, and TV networks.
Search for companies that have applied to sponsor H1B visas in the last 10 years based on data from the US Department of Labor.
Career guides and company rankings for finance, consulting, real estate, marketing, energy, and other industries.
Market research and trends covering TV, film, and digital entertainment