Clinical Resources
Summaries of evidence and guidelines for management of diseases/conditions, updated daily.
Suite of clinical reference books, including Bates' Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and Johns Hopkins ABX Guide.
QxMD Tools
Offers 400+ point-of-care tools to educate around prognosis, diagnosis and optimal patient management.
Differential Diagnosis generator for infectious diseases.
PubMed @ Emory
A database of the National Library of Medicine that includes 30 million+ citations of biomedical literature. Look for "Find It @ Emory" button to access full text.
PubMed Clinical Queries
Search tools designed to retrieve targeted results to clinical questions, with specific filters for study types, systematic reviews, and medical genetics.
Includes guidelines, procedural videos, self-assessment, and leading anesthesiology textbooks such as Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology and Hadzic's Textbook of Regional Anesthesia.
AccessEmergency Medicine
Books, case files, drug information, and videos. Includes Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Manual, Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies.
Books, case files, drug information, and videos. Includes Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine.
FA Davis PT Collection, books, case files, videos, and dissection. Includes Dutton's Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention and Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Books, case files, drug information, and procedural videos.
Includes Schwartz's Principles of Surgery.
AHRQ Evidence-Based Reports
Produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, these reports provide comprehensive, science-based information on medical conditions and new health care technologies and strategies.
CINAHL Ultimate
An EBSCOhost database of evidence-based nursing and allied health literature. Indexes 5,300+ journals (1981 to present).
A collection of 1000+ books and 600+ journals: includes practice guidelines, 300+ Procedures Consult videos, and drug monographs. Contains multiple core title textbooks.
A database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies provided by the National Library of Medicine.
Cochrane Library
A collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision making. Includes Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL).
Cochrane Controlled Register of Trials (CENTRAL)
A repository of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Most CENTRAL records are taken from multiple bibliographic databases and other published and unpublished sources.
Covers international biomedical literature (1947 to present day). Provides a dedicated search form to structure PICO questions, indexes 8,100+journals, including 2900 unique journals that are not contained in MEDLINE, 3.6+ million conference abstracts (2009 to present).
Provides Education Guides (PowerPoint slide sets for EBM instruction), EBM glossary, calculators, critical appraisal worksheets (for studying EBM concepts); includes The Rational Clinical Examination: Evidence-Based Clinical Diagnosis, Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, and JAMA Guide to Statistics
and Methods.
Joanna Briggs Institute
Selected clinical topics in evidence-based recommended practices, evidence summaries, best practice information sheets, systematic reviews, and more.
Psychiatry Online
An American Psychiatric Association (APA) database of psychiatry, mental health and behavioral science literature. Includes DSM-5, APA Practice Guidelines, journals, and more.
Provides access to 17 clinical medicine textbooks as well as drug, coding, and reference resources. Includes AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, AHFS Drug Information®, Steadman’s Medical Dictionary, The Washington Manual® Of Medical Therapeutics, ICD-10 Conversion Tool, and Evidence Alerts.
Visit our Mobile Resources page
Visually explore Emory libraries' journal collections. Fill "My Bookshelf" with favorite titles and alerts for new content.
NEJM Journal Watch
Succinct, informative summaries of the latest clinical literature created by a New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) editorial board. Helps healthcare professionals stay informed and current with the latest medical research developments in a clinically relevant context.
AccessMedicine 2-Minute Medicine
High-impact reports of breaking medical literature and seminal studies in multiple specialties. Curated and reported by a physician publishing group out of Harvard Medical School.
ACP Journal Club
A monthly feature of the Annals of Internal Medicine, created by the American College of Physicians (ACP). Summarizes the best new evidence for internal medicine and subspecialties from over 120 clinical journals
How to create alerts for new content
PubMed @ Emory
MyNCBI features saved searches alerts and article collections.
Create an individual account to receive topic-specific updates on point of care information.
Create an account for notification of new journal issues.
Create an account and sign up for specialty-specific email alerts.
Case Files
- AccessMedicine Case Files
- AccessEmergency Medicine Case Files
- AccessPhysiotherapy Case Files
- AccessSurgery Case Files
Review Questions
- AccessMedicine Review Questions
- AccessEmergency Medicine Review Questions
- AccessPhysiotherapy Review Questions
- AccessSurgery Review Questions
Additional Resources
Drug monographs include information on indications and usage, interactions, dosing, pricing, generics, trade names, drug classes, and patient education.
AHFS Drug Information
Published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, it is available through Emory's subscription to STAT!Ref.
Updated daily.
Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp)
Licensed by and for EHC. Access available onsite at EHC facilities with EHC login.
Review of Natural Products
Includes monographs arranged alphabetically by name of product. Available through STAT!Ref
Includes medical equations, clinical criteria, decision trees, statistics calculators, unit and dose converters, math calculator, glossary, and a listing of tools by specialty. Updated daily. You must login with your DynaMed profile (requires registration).
Includes clinical calculators, conversion calculators, dosage calculators, and IV calculators.
Pill Identifiers
Freely available online.
Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp)
Licensed by and for EHC. Access available onsite at EHC facilities with EHC login.
Interactions Checkers
Provides information on interactions between drugs and drugs, herbs, and foods. Freely available online.
Gold Standard Drug Database
Provides information on interactions between drugs and drugs, caffeine, enteral feedings, ethanol/alcohol, food, grapefruit juice, and tobacco. Updated daily; provided by Elsevier.
Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp)
Licensed by and for EHC. Access available onsite at EHC facilities with EHC login.
Labels/Package Inserts
US National Library of Medicine's label archives provides access to labels current for a given date.
Search FDA approved drug products by drug name, active ingredient, or application number.
Dietary Supplement Label Database
This government website allows you to search by ingredients, products, and manufacturers.
AccessEmergency Medicine
Videos of emergency procedure techniques and Tintinalli's videos.
Comprehensive resource with thousands of images that include essential information to help with clinical decision-making, covering the full scope of dermatologic conditions.
Images and videos on diagnosis, pharmacology, pathophysiology, patient safety, and physical exam.
Interactive cadaver dissection, videos, slide sets, and audio content.
Radiology images, patient safety modules, and procedure videos.
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination
Video content showing head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques.
The multimedia section contains videos and images of procedures and techniques mostly pulled from ebooks and articles.
Comprehensive interactive atlas of human anatomy with over 40 different modules.
JAMAevidence Podcasts
A monthly series of discussions on core issues in evidence-based medicine by leading practitioners in the field.
Lippincott's Video Series: Nursing Procedures
Training videos of nursing procedures performed in realistic clinical settings.
Netter Custom Presenter
Customizable Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy. Contains clinically-focused illustrations and radiologic images and videos.
The multimedia section contains videos and images of procedures and techniques from ebooks and articles. Specialties include nursing, surgery, neurology, physical therapy, OBGYN, cardiology, and emergency medicine.
Contact a Clinical Informationist below for assistance, or contact us through the WHSC Library's Ask a Librarian service.
- John Nemeth, MSLS
Clinical Informationist
404-686-1978 - Rachel Chandler Perry, MS, MLIS
Clinical Informationist for Graduate Medical Education
Visit a WHSC Clinical Branch Library for access to online resources, printing, and quiet space. Libraries have badge access 24/7.
To view all WHSC Library staff, click here.
Contact a Clinical Informationist below for assistance, or contact us through the WHSC Library's Ask a Librarian service.