Writing and Publishing
Getting Started on Your Research
Tips and resources on planning and searching the literature, retrieving full text, writing for scientific communication and publishing.
Finding Sources
Resources for finding scientific literature.
Organizing References
A list of citation management software both licensed and open source.
Quality Indicators
Strategies and metrics commonly used to assess publication impact and research quality.
Evidence Synthesis and Systematic Reviews
Information on conducting high-level evidence reviews. Includes information on the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library’s Systematic Review Service.
Grant Resources
Federal and University resources for identifying funding opportunities and monitoring compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy.
Scholarly Communication Services
The Emory Libraries Scholarly Communications Office offers assistance with publishing agreements, book contracts, copyright questions, open access publication, and fair-use permissions.
Emory Writing Support by School
Various writing support by schools.
Recommended Books on Scientific Writing
Links to available WHSC Library books on topics of grant, manuscript, and other scientific writing and communication.