Workshops & Classes Descriptions
Classes and workshops offered by the WHSC Library Informationists are listed below. Below are some of the classes that are offered throughout the year; the schedule is displayed on the workshops calendar. A customized session can also be requested for groups of 3 or more. Please use Ask a Librarian to request a customized session.
Advanced PubMed Searching: Reviews how to use MeSH terms, Boolean operators, truncation, and other advanced search functions in PubMed to build comprehensive literature search strategies.
Google Smarter: Optimize your Search Experience: Explores how to customize Google/Google Scholar for Emory Libraries resources and how to use advanced search features
Introduction to PubMed: Overview of PubMed and its search features
Introduction to Zotero: Introduction to Zotero, a free web-based alternative to EndNote and other bibliographic management systems
Planning for a Systematic Review: Provides an overview of the systematic review process
Searching in Embase: Overview of Embase, a biomedical and pharmacological database, its features, and building a comprehensive search strategy.
Streamline Your Bibliographies with EndNote 20: Introduction to core EndNote functions such as creating libraries, importing records, generating bibliographies
Thesis and Literature Review (MPH): Explores how to locate background information, formulate a strategy and other topics relevant to completing a thesis
Recorded Classes
View recorded classes taught by WHSC Librarians and Informationists