Nursing Resources

The following collection of links and resources are intended for the faculty, staff, and students at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing and related University programs.  The resources below are primarily for Emory University Nurse faculty and staff; Emory Healthcare Nurses should refer to Resources for Emory Healthcare Staff.

Books and Journals

Electronic Databases

Recommended databases for finding specialized nursing and allied health literature

  • CINAHL Ultimate is the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, covering topics related to nursing and allied health disciplines.
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides over 500 scholarly full-text journals focused on nursing, allied health and medical disciplines.
  • Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) provides evidence to inform clinical decision-making through evidence summaries, best practice care procedures, and critical appraisal tools for evidence implementation.
  • PsycINFO features topic summaries and citations from journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports in psychology and related areas.

Recommended databases for finding broader clinical and health literature

  • Embase is a European-based subscription database offering worldwide biomedical coverage. Excellent for drug, pharmacology and disease indexing.
  • PubMed is a free database developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).  PubMed Central (PMC), an open access component of PubMed, houses full-text publications resulting from NIH supported research. 
  • Scopus covers over 20,000 journals in sciences, technology, medicine, and social sciences. Articles include citation data and bibliometric analysis options.
  • Web of Science covers over 12,000 high impact journals worldwide in the areas of science, social science, arts and humanities since 1900.  Citation counts and analysis options are available for all included articles.

Organizing References

Visit our page to review recommended citation management software tools licensed by the university, open-source bibliographic tools, and reference style manuals.

Research Guides

Guide to Nursing Resources

Guide to help University students, faculty & staff access library resources, find scholarly literature, and discover tools related to nursing

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Evidence Matters

The blog supports best practices in education, research, and patient care by creating a current evidence-based repository for Emory SON students and faculty and EHC nursing staff.

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