Frequently Used Links

Recommended databases for clinical, health-related, and scientific literature

  • AccessAnesthesiology houses core eBooks, multimedia, guidelines and more for healthcare professionals and students in anesthesiology.
  • AccessDermatologyDxRx is a comprehensive resource with thousands of images that include essential information to help with clinical decision-making, covering the full scope of dermatologic conditions.
  • AccessMedicine offers online versions of medical and clinical texts, images, and videos. Topics include biochemistry, biostatistics, microbiology, ethics, and psychiatry.
  • AccessEmergencyMedicine provides quick diagnosis and treatment answers for complaints encountered in the emergency department. Frequently updated and includes textbooks, images, and videos.
  • AccessPhysiotherapy provides access to videos, self-learning, and leading physical therapy eBooks.
  • AccessSurgery includes videos, self-assessment tools, and surgical textbooks.
  • BIOSIS Previews offers an index of pre-clinical and experimental research, including animal studies, botany, ecology, methods and instrumentation, and zoology.  Embedded within the Web of Science platform.
  • Clinical Key is a point-of-care tool offering topic summaries, articles, and eBooks related to medical conditions, procedures, drugs, and more.
  • CINAHL Ultimate the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, covers topics related to nursing and allied health disciplines.
  • Cochrane collection of databases providing access to information for healthcare decision-making.
  • DynaMed is a point-of-care clinical reference tool for use at the bedside, created by physicians for physicians and other healthcare professions.
  • e-Anatomy an interactive atlas of human anatomy. Includes modules with medical imaging  examinations and comprehensive information on anatomic structures.
  • EMBASE is a European-based database offering worldwide biomedical coverage of  biomedical literature. Excellent for drug, pharmacology, and disease indexing.
  • FA Davis PT Collection contains physical therapy resources for both students and educators. Includes unique content only available in this resource.
  • Psychiatry Online with DSM contains a collection of psychiatry books, journals, and self-assessment tools available from American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Includes online access to the latest version of DSM.
  • PsycINFO features topic summaries and citations from journal articles, books, dissertations, and technical reports in psychology and related areas.
  • PubMed is a search engine maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM),  comprises more than 33 million citations from  biomedical literature, life sciences journals, and online books.  
  • Scopus covers over 25,000 journals in sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts & humanities. Articles include citation data and bibliometric analysis options.
  • uCentral primarily a mobile app... contains key books for emergency medicine, obstetrics gynecology, pediatrics and more.  
  • Web of Science covers over 12,000 high-impact journals worldwide in the areas of science, social science, arts and humanities.  Records include citation data and impact analysis options.

Additional Health Databases including over 150 literature databases supported by the WHSC Library, with links to the full list of over 1000 subscription and supported databases available to Emory University users.