Emory Libraries’ Collections Diversity Statement
In Spring 2022, Emory Libraries approved the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEI) Diversity Statement.
The libraries at Emory University commit to the building, maintenance, and assessment of collections that align with the teaching and research needs of Emory. These collections should represent and respect the diverse and multiple experiences of our ever-changing communities, as expressed in the ALA Cultural Competency Standards (Standard 4). As noted in Diverse Collections: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, “a diverse collection should contain content by and about a wide array of people and cultures to authentically reflect a variety of ideas, information, stories, and experiences.”
Emory Libraries’ collections in all formats should address diversity of thought and experience and represent a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints. We acknowledge that intentional and deliberate attention to the values of social justice require frequent and continuous re-evaluation of this collection to ensure the inclusion of historically marginalized perspectives. We further realize that as stewards of the historical record, both scholarly and popular that we aspire to incorporate the input of those creators whose works we hold and the communities they represent. Finally, we recognize the need to provide an inclusive, equitable and accessible experience to our communities.
We recognize that contemporary collection building works within a broader political economy of information providers and consumers and often leads to inequities in information access. We strive to address the systemic inequities and hierarchies that have traditionally been part of academic library collecting. We embrace and support alternative methods, such as open access, that may run counter to this informational ecosystem.
We support and honor the mission of the university in embracing critical inquiry and engagement with our past, present, and future, both at Emory University and within the world around us. As librarians and academics, we provide an array of tools and offer guidance and expertise in understanding, disseminating, and contextualizing our collections.