Investments in External Open Access and DEI Initiatives
Emory Libraries have long invested in external organizations’ efforts to create a more equitable and open scholarly publishing system, and lately that funding has expanded greatly. Featured on this page are the organizations we are proud to support with our collections funding, and we hope to expand this list in the near future.

Annual Reviews Subscribe to Open: At the end of 2023, all Annual Reviews publications became openly available due to the support of subscribing libraries, including long-time subscriber Emory Libraries.

On August 1, 2024, Emory Libraries joined ACM Open (Association for Computing Machinery), which provides unlimited open access for Emory corresponding authors using their Emory email address.

Authors Alliance: The mission of Authors Alliance is to advance the interests of authors who want to serve the public good by sharing their creations broadly. The Authors Alliance creates resources to help authors understand and enjoy their rights and promote policies that make knowledge and culture available and discoverable. At Emory Libraries, we seek to support the invaluable open access resources that the Authors Alliance makes available to academic authors.

American Chemical Society: Emory has joined a read and publish agreement through GALILEO for Emory authors to publish open access in ACS journals at no cost.

Cambridge University Press Read and Publish Agreement: In late 2021, Emory Libraries signed a new type of publishing agreement with Cambridge University Press. This deal eliminates article processing charges for Emory authors who want to publish open access in Cambridge journals.

Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC): Emory Libraries became a C4DISC supporting partner institution in 2020 and continues that support today. A demonstration of our commitment to C4DISC and its efforts to create meaningful change in DEI for the scholarly communications ecosystem is our public endorsement of the C4DISC Joint Statement of Principles.

DOAJ: The Directory of Open Access journals is the only openly available, authoritative, impartial, global index of more than 17,700 open access journals. It provides vital information about publication venues to authors who want to share their work openly. Emory Libraries are proud to support this critical effort that sustains the open access journal ecosystem.

Global Press Archive: This initiative by East View Information Services in partnership with Stanford University Libraries and the Hoover Institution Library & Archives has digitized over 2,000 predominantly foreign-language newspaper titles ranging in coverage from the late 19th century to the present. Emory Libraries continue to support this digitization effort because of its importance in preserving and making more widely available these invaluable primary sources.

HathiTrust: HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving more than 17 million digitized scholarly works. HathiTrust offers reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. copyright law, computational access to the entire corpus for scholarly research, and other emerging services based on the combined collection. As a HathiTrust member institution, Emory Libraries continue to support this effort.

HAU Books: Emory Libraries are proud to support HAU Books, the book-publishing wing of the Society for Ethnographic Theory, which is a nonprofit initiative committed to publishing the most distinguished texts in classic and contemporary sociocultural anthropology and related social sciences.

Independent Voices and Documenting White Supremacy and Its Opponents in the 1920s from Reveal Digital: Emory was one of the initial supporters of Reveal Digital's Independent Voices, an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. We have also provided financial support for Reveal Digital's Documenting White Supremacy and Its Opponents in the 1920s, a collection of Klan and other white nationalist newspapers alongside opposing publications that countered hate.

Institute of Physics (IOP): Emory has signed a three-year read and publish agreement with IOP in support of its Open Science initiative, which allows Emory researchers to publish in most IOP journals at no cost.

More than 30 university presses and hundreds of authors are part of JSTOR's Path to Open. The initial 100 books were released on JSTOR in the fall of 2023, with an additional 300 titles being published annually during the term of the pilot, 2024-2026. Path to Open participating libraries will have access to the titles during the first three years, and thereafter all titles will be converted to open access, benefiting readers worldwide.

Knowledge Unlatched: Emory Libraries have provided annual funding to support the “unlatching” (or opening) of academic publisher monograph content, which started with the humanities and social sciences and has moved into open access for STEM monographs. Over 3,000 high-quality monographs have now been made openly available for users around the world.

MIT Press Direct to Open: Emory Libraries’ financial support of this new initiative helps make all MIT Press scholarly monographs open access for 2022, and it provides Emory and other participating libraries with access to over 2,300 older MIT titles.

Open Access Community Investment Program (OACIP) with Lyrasis: This program provides a community-driven framework that enables multiple stakeholders -- including academic and public libraries, academic departments, institutions, museums, and funding agencies -- to evaluate and collectively fund diamond open access (OA) journals (i.e., no cost to authors or readers). Emory Libraries currently support the following diamond OA journal: American Indian Culture and Research Journal.

OAPEN: Emory Libraries are supporting the OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) Library, which is dedicated to disseminating open access books, creating a quality-controlled collection of OA books, and improving their visibility and discoverability. OAPEN titles are available on their website as well as through the Emory Libraries catalog.

Open Education Network: The OEN is a vibrant and supportive community that advances the use of open educational resources and practices. OEN members benefit from and contribute to the global open education ecosystem and commit to working together to make open the default in higher education. Emory Libraries joined the OEN in 2022, and we look forward to advancing open education on our campus.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): This global, not-for-profit organization strives to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.

punctum books: As a scholar-led, peer-reviewed, diamond open-access book publisher, punctum is devoted to cultivating trans-disciplinary and genre-bending academic work that takes risks with form and style, and to fostering authors both within and outside the Academy who want to push the boundaries of established disciplines and methodologies and who understand the importance of sharing their work globally. punctum is further dedicated to publishing work that is not only creatively innovative, but which also helps to bring new fields of thought into being.

The Royal Society: The Royal Society publishes research across most science fields (e.g., Astronomy, Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Earth and Environmental Science, Ecology, Conservation, Engineering, Genetics and Genomics, Mathematics, Evolutionary Biology, Physics and Biophysics, Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience). The Read and Publish agreement, managed through the Lyrasis consortium, allows for no-fee open access publishing by all Emory corresponding authors, starting in 2023.

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC): The read and publish agreement with RSC, managed through the Lyrasis consortium, allows for no-fee open access publishing by all Emory corresponding authors in RSC hybrid journals, starting in January 2024.

South Asia Online Archives: SAOA is an open access resource for research and teaching—a rich and growing curated collection of key historical and contemporary sources in arts, humanities, and social sciences from and about South Asia in English and other languages of the region. Emory Libraries have participated in providing unique digitized materials and through direct contribution of other resources and financial support.

SCOAP3: Emory was one of the original contributors to the SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) initiative. Started in 2014, it continues to support open access journal content in the field of particle physics. The SCOAP3 initiative piloted a move into monographs in 2020, and Emory continues to support this initiative because of its strengths in physics scholarship.

SPARC: Emory Libraries have long been a member of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), which is a nonprofit advocacy organization supporting systems for research and education that are open by default and equitable by design. Emory Libraries join the SPARC community in believing that everyone should be able to access and contribute to the knowledge that shapes our world.

University of Michigan Press Fund to Mission: Emory Libraries are proud to support Fund to Mission, which demonstrates a return to the origins of the university press movement by advancing a more open, sustainable infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences. Their goal is to convert at least 75% of U-M Press monographs to open access by the end of 2023, without any author ever having to pay a publishing fee.