Strategic Framework

The Libraries strategic framework, developed in 2023 and launched in 2024, lays the foundation for our future and guides our planning, decision-making, and resource allocation.  It outlines the mission, vision, values, and guiding principles which are core to achieving our purpose.  The strategic directions were shaped through a dynamic process which included an environmental scan, stakeholder focus groups, and input from staff.  The strategic directions align with the Emory University pillars as articulated in One Emory: Ambition and Heart.  This strategic framework is a living document which will be updated every few years to ensure that our work is relevant and continues to be aligned with campus initiatives.  


Emory Libraries transform teaching, learning, research, and patient care through innovative resources, spaces, services, and collections.


Emory Libraries:

  • Deliver and produce distinctive services, information, and content
  • Preserve and promote our intellectual and cultural heritage
  • Engage as partners in the academic enterprise to advance student and faculty success
  • Create diverse and engaging environments for work, production, study, and intellectual and social engagement
  • Initiate, implement, and teach emerging trends in technology and information literacy
  • Cultivate an organizational culture of agility and innovation


  • Excellence in teaching, learning, and scholarship. We enable transformative services, methods, and perspectives by offering resources, services, and programs that foster intellectual inquiry, exploration, and discovery. Our efforts transcend traditional boundaries.
  • Stewardship and preservation of the cultural, historical, and intellectual record. We take the lead in developing and implementing trusted strategies for all formats to provide for future generations.
  • Collaboration, connectivity, and partnership to expand our knowledge and expertise and leverage our resources. Our future success relies on a one library mindset with strategic partnerships across campus, with other institutions, within the broader community and globally. Through collaboration, connectivity, and partnership we can provide the best possible experience for our customers and staff.
  • Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion and work to cultivate an environment accepting and respectful of a broad range of differences within our organization, the campus and global communities. By embracing diversity and inclusion we enhance our knowledge and perspectives and enrich our decisions, services, processes, collections, and environments.
  • User-centered services, programming, and systems that allow us to address and meet the needs of users. We will analyze use data and actively seek input from our users to implement user driven collection building, resource sharing, access services, system development, teaching and digital initiatives, and space planning.
  • Innovation and continuous learning to increase our ability to fully engage and achieve success in a constantly changing environment. We accept that risk-taking is essential for growth and cutting-edge results. We provide a variety of platforms to explore new ideas and opportunities, and we communicate and celebrate individual and group accomplishments and impact.
  • Ethics and integrity as noted in the Code of Ethics for our profession. We recognize the importance of adhering to these principles in our day-to-day operations and processes and our professional and service activities. We align with the ethics principles of the University and are committed to creating an environment of work, teaching, living, and learning that enables all persons to strive toward their highest potential.

Emory Libraries Guiding Principles

Integrity and Mutual Respect   

We trust and respect each other and recognize the value of each individual's contributions, which strengthens our relationships and enables us to interact with compassion and understanding. We foster an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable being their authentic selves.  

Community-Driven Purpose  

We derive purpose and identity from our campus, local, and regional communities.  We align our collections and services with the teaching and research needs of the Emory community and share our resources with regional and scholarly communities. We prioritize service and the greater good while honoring our own needs. We partner with our communities to create welcoming and inclusive programs, resources, and spaces that reflect their needs and aspirations while fostering meaningful interactions. We commit to action toward our shared goals.  

Commitment to Learning and Growth   

We recognize the importance of cultivating and retaining expertise and value organizational support for education and training opportunities. We recognize the importance of developing our professional skills while prioritizing a healthy work-life balance.  

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion   

We center justice for ourselves, our community, and our world, and we strive to be an anti-oppression organization. We empower those around us with stories, data, and space. We honor each other's humanity and treat others with compassion, openness, and empathy.  We establish policies and practices that enable each of us to thrive in our unique context, fostering a sense of belonging, empowerment, and the realization of our full potential. We expect mutual accountability.

Collaboration and Accountability  

We value diverse perspectives and actively seek opportunities for everyone to be heard. We aim to break down barriers and encourage internal and external collaboration. We value creativity in problem solving and generating new ideas to achieve shared goals. We emphasize multi-directional communication and promote transparency in decision- making processes. We reliably and responsibly deliver on our commitments.  

Emory Libraries Strategic Directions  

Strategic Directions and Goals

Within each strategic direction, the Libraries already have areas of success and expertise. This plan seeks to build on these strengths that have been developed and nurtured by library employees over time.  

Librarian Professional Principles  

ALA Code of Ethics   

ALA Core Values of Librarianship   

ALA Library Bill of Rights   

Code of Ethics for Health Sciences Librarianship   

SAA Core Values Statement and Code of Ethics   

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education  

Emory’s Mission and Strategic Framework  

Emory’s Mission   

Emory University's mission is to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity.  

Emory’s Strategic Framework One Emory: Ambition and Heart