To Care for Others

100 Years of Nursing at Emory
April 22, 2016 - January 31, 2018
| Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
- Level 1

"This exhibition provides an Emory perspective of nursing from past to present, highlighting those who have shaped the program."

Beginning with the Wesley Memorial Hospital Training School for Nurses in 1905, the school worked in partnership with the hospital, requiring that nurses reside in dormitories and maintain a strict dress code at all times. In the years that followed, Emory advanced from a small program with a graduating class of 10, to what is now recognized as a leading nursing school in the United States.

As the Ebola virus outbreak in 2014 proved, Emory nurses play an integral part in collaborating and providing medical care to the global community. From Atlanta to the most remote areas around the globe, Emory nurses are at the frontlines of global health. The World Health Organization claims that nurses provide 90 percent of all health care services worldwide, indicating that nurses are the modern day heroes of global health.

Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
Level 1
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