Before Ebola

The U.S. Government's Role in Controlling Contagious Disease
March 28, 2015 - May 1, 2015
| Robert W. Woodruff Library
- Level 2

"'This exhibit will help us emphasize the variety of primary evidence resources the library has,' says Elizabeth McBride, a social sciences librarian who co-curated the exhibit with Chris Palazzolo, head of collection management and adjunct professor in the political science department."

The Ebola cases in the U.S. have sparked an exhibit, based on the government documents collection--occupying two-and-a-half miles of shelf space--at the Robert W. Woodruff Library at Emory University, that examines the impact of epidemics and the U.S. government’s response to them throughout American history.

"Before Ebola: The U.S. Government’s Role in Controlling Contagious Disease," drawing from primary evidence, explores smallpox and yellow fever; the 1918  influenza pandemic; venereal disease, including the Tuskegee syphilis experiment and the outbreak among World War I military recruits; and the HIV/AIDS crisis.

U.S. Public Service Officers in their uniforms, c. 1912, Office of the Public Health Service Historian

U.S. Public Service Officers in their uniforms, c. 1912, Office of the Public Health Service Historian

Robert W. Woodruff Library
Level 2
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