History of Teaching Medicine at Emory - Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library Level 1

March 31, 2018 - September, 2022
| Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
- Level 1

"...this exhibition connects tomorrow's progress to its foundational beginnings...."

Founded in 1854, Emory's medical college is an institution that has progressed with technology and time. "History of Teaching Medicine at Emory" uses professor, department and student stories to illustrate the complex relationship between Emory's medical school and that history. Examining everything from early studies of human anatomy to modern strides in the field of cardiology, this exhibition connects tomorrow's progress to its foundational beginnings.

The exhibition is drawn from the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library's collections, including the Emory School of Medicine records, 1916 - 2016. On view are photographs, textbooks, medical instruments, and other memorabilia.

History of Teaching Medicine at Emory

History of Teaching Medicine at Emory

Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
Level 1
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For more information: kathryn.v.dixson@emory.edu