There's Nobody Coming for Us but Us

Prints by Camille Billops
October 1, 2014 - November 2, 2014
| Robert W. Woodruff Library
- Level 10
- Rose Library

The exhibit features a mix of fourteen black-and-white and color prints by Camille Billops, an accomplished artist and distinguished professor.  “Billops creates unique work that is both enchanting and hard-hitting. Her avant-garde art invites the viewer to engage topics such as race, gender, her own experiences, her likes and dislikes, her struggles and her accomplishments,” explains the curator, Clinton Fluker. Camille Billops and James Hatch have collected and documented African American culture and artistic history for more than 40 years. The couple placed their archives at MARBL in 2002, and the collection is available for research use.

"The KKK Boutique Ain't Just Rednecks," Print 8/35, Camille Billops, 1993

"The KKK Boutique Ain't Just Rednecks," Print 8/35, Camille Billops, 1993

Robert W. Woodruff Library
Level 10
Rose Library
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Interactive Map: Woodruff Library