Subject Specific Fellowships and Awards
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library will accept applications for 2025 starting Monday, December 1, 2024, through 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time on Friday, February 28, 2025. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. Award announcements will be made on April 18, 2025.
The Rose Library offers 13 different subject-specific short-term fellowships from donors to support scholarly use of library research collections.
The Rose Library fellowships have a value of $250 to $2,500. The length of the fellowship will depend on the applicant's research proposal.
Fellowship applications are required to submit a research plan and are evaluated on the following criteria:
- the qualifications of the candidate;
- a clearly articulated research topic; and
- a demonstrated understanding of the research materials available in the Rose Library to support their work.
Equal weight is given to each of these three aspects in determining the final priority rating.
Award Information
- In addition to meeting the minimum residency requirements, all award recipients will be required to submit a report of their experiences and work within the archive for the Rose Library Following the Fellows blog.
- All fellows are paid their award money 4-6 weeks AFTER completion of their visit and submission of blog
- The application deadline is February 28, 2025.
Fellowships and Awards
Nancy and Randall Burkett Award for Research in Black Print Culture
This fellowship supports researchers exploring the Rose Library's holdings of rare manuscripts, ephemeral, photographic, and print materials produced by and for African Americans.

Billops-Hatch Fellowship
This fellowship supports researchers working in the Camille Billops and James V. Hatch Archives. Past fellowship recipients include post-graduate students, authors, professors, and scholars researching areas of African American art and art history, including the visual arts, theater, film, and literature.

LGBTQ Collections Fellowship
This fellowship supports research in Rose Library's LGBTQ related papers and archives that document the history, culture, politics, and public health initiatives.

J. Herman Blake and Emily L. Moore Award
This fellowship is for research in Black Panther Party (BPP) related collections provides funding for researchers to explore the Rose Library's holdings related to the organization's founding in 1966, and the impact it had on American race relations, especially the social, economic, and political status of African Americans.

Leonard and Louise Riggio Fellowship
This fellowship supports residencies of 2-4 weeks to undertake research in the Alice Walker papers and related archives.

Marcus Garvey Foundation Fellowships
Two fellowships supported by The Marcus Garvey Foundation, Inc.

Richard A. Long / HBCU Fellowship
In honor of the late Richard A. Long (1927-2013), who was a professor of English and African American Studies at Atlanta University and Emory University, the Rose Library offers 2-3 short-term research fellowships annually to graduate students and faculty from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).

The Benny Andrews Award
The Benny Andrews Award provides funding for researchers exploring the collection of visual artist, teacher, activist, critic, and writer Benny Andrews. The Rose Library holdings include correspondence, manuscript materials, photographs, negatives, exhibit files, journals, printed materials including books and art catalogs.

The Donald C. Locke Award
The Donald C. Locke Award provides funding for researchers exploring the collection of visual artist, teacher, critic, poet, and writer Donald C. Locke. The Rose Library holdings include correspondence, manuscript materials, photographs, negatives, and printed materials including books and art catalogs. Materials related to Locke’s exploration of African diasporic themes and ideas are readily accessible.

Pellom McDaniels Fellowship
In memory of Pellom McDaniels, curator of African American collections for the
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library. The Pellom MdDaniels award supports research and creative projects utilizing Rose Library collections documenting African American history and culture. The work that results from these awards will continue his efforts to document and celebrate African American lives, history, and expression.

Geffen and Lewyn Family Southern Jewish Collections Research Fellowship
Funded by the Anna and Louis Geffen Endowed Fund for Special Collections, this fellowship supports research in the Rose Library’s holdings documenting Jewish life in Atlanta, Georgia, and the South. It encourages graduate students, professors, scholars, and authors to research and write about Jewish history, families, culture, businesses, activism, and politics in the South. Collections in this area include the Morris B. Abram papers, the American Jewish Committee Atlanta oral history interviews, the David R. Blumenthal papers, the Louis and Anna Geffen family papers, the Isaac Don Levine papers, the Bert and Esther Lewyn family papers, the Jacob M. Rothschild papers, and many others.

Dana White Graduate Fellowship for Research in Atlanta History
Named for longtime Emory faculty member and urban historian Dana White, the fellowship supports graduate student research in the Rose Library’s holdings documenting the development, history, culture, social movements and politics of Atlanta.

Rose Research Travel Fellowship
The Rose Research Travel Fellowship funds research in Rose Library collections and University Archives.