Research and Learning
Research Services
The Rose Library is an equal access library available to anyone who is interested in our vast collections. Whether you are conducting in-depth research, writing a paper for class, working on a family tree, or simply curious about our holdings, you are welcome to contact us to set up a visit, or to request duplications of our materials.

Teaching and Learning with Rose Library
The Rose Library staff collaborate with instructors to incorporate rare books, manuscripts and archives into the classroom. We offer instruction sessions, in Rose Library, tailored to the needs of the particular class. Staff are available to assist instructors in designing assignments best suited to their individual topics and goals.

Rose Library Presents
Rose Library Presents features a suite of podcast series created by Rose Library staff to explore how archives work and tell the stories found in the collections.

K-12 Education
The Rose Library staff collaborates with educators to incorporate our collections into your curriculum. We work together with educators to decide the best approach for their classroom based on current Georgia standards.

Archives Research Program
The Archives Research program is for graduate students interested in strengthening their skills in using and understanding archives and special collections.

Fellowship and Award Opportunities
Fellowship and award opportunities for visiting researchers, Emory graduate students, and Emory undergraduate students.

The Emory Oral History Program
The Emory Oral History Program (EOHP) practices oral history as a humanistic method of discovery that incorporates technology and archival practices with the goal of better understanding the communities we live in.