Instructional Services for Faculty and TAs

We offer a variety of instructional services to support teaching and learning across Emory.

Table of Contents


For additional information on our instructional services, please visit Emory's Teaching Toolkit. The toolkit includes resources from the Center for Faculty and Development and Excellence, Academic Technology Services, and the Emory Libraries.

Request Instruction Services 

You can either contact your subject librarian or fill out our instruction request form to request any of our instruction services, such as in-class instruction or a research guide.

Library Instruction Sessions 

Librarians can work with you to tailor an instruction session, or multiple sessions, for your class. Our instruction sessions address student research needs in a given class as well as our program learning outcomes and goals.
Instruction sessions can take the following forms. You can work with your course subject librarian to determine the best fit for your class:

  • In-person instruction, either in a library or in your own classroom
  • Synchronous online instruction via Zoom
  • Asynchronous instruction where a librarian can provide a recorded lecture, demo, or other online resources for your class 

Instruction sessions can take many different forms and can be tailored to suit your needs. Librarians can cover some of the following in your session:

  • Developing a research strategy
  • Identifying and finding different types of sources, including scholarly sources
  • Evaluating sources and identifying credible sources
  • Utilizing library tools and resources for a research project
  • Preparing a research proposal or an annotated bibliography
  • Preparing a research presentation
  • Exploring scholarly conversations

Research Guides and Canvas 

We can design a course guide or a topical research guide to support your students and to provide them with a useful entry-point to the research process. Course guides or research guides can pair with an instruction session or serve as a stand-alone resource.

We can also embed a library research guide into your Canvas course site. Please get in touch with your subject librarian to learn more about ways we can support your class in Canvas.

See our list of current research guides, which includes course guides across the disciplines, or get in touch with your subject librarian to request a guide.

Research Assignment Design 

We can work with you to design a research assignment for your class, whether it is brainstorming ideas, discussing methods that have worked well in previous classes, or ensuring that your students have the materials and support they need. Our librarians have both disciplinary knowledge and expertise as well as expertise in information literacy and other literacies that arise from new technologies.

We provide some tips and ideas for creating a research assignment, and you can contact your subject librarian to schedule a time to discuss your research assignment.

To see ideas for research assignments and activities in online classes, visit Emory's Teaching Toolkit.

Research Consultations 

Our librarians have extensive disciplinary knowledge and expertise, as well as expertise in information literacy and other literacies that arise from new technologies. We can help you and your students with a range of research assignments, from research papers to digital projects.

Get in touch with your subject librarian to schedule a consultation either online or in-person.


We offer workshops on a variety of topics to help students and members of the Emory community build information literacy and research skills. We schedule workshops throughout the semester, and you can also request an on-demand workshop for you and your students.
You can see our current and upcoming workshops on our calendar. Visit our programming page to see our list of offerings and learn how to request a workshop.

Tips for Successful Library Instruction 

If you are requesting an instruction session with the library, consider the following:

  • Request the session at least two weeks in advance to give us time to prepare
  • Schedule the session about 2 to 3 weeks before your research assignment is due
  • Ensure that students are familiar with their research assignment before the session
  • Attend the session with your students in order to provide important disciplinary context and to support their learning

Instruction Services Across the Emory Libraries 

To learn about instruction services and offerings across the libraries, visit the following sites:

Oxford College Library
Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
Goizueta Business Library
Rose Library
Pitts Theology Library
Law Library