Using Copyrighted Works
Using copyrighted works in teaching or scholarship can sometimes be confusing. We've created some resources to help you decide if you can use a work and how to use that work legally.
Deciding If You Can Use a Copyrighted Work
Five questions to ask yourself before using copyrighted works.

Locating Copyright Owners
To get permission to use a copyrighted work, you must first identify the copyright owner.

Copyright Licensing Organizations
Copyright licensing organizations manage permissions centrally on behalf of copyright owners in a particular field. They can license you permission to use a work for a fee.

Getting Permission to Use a Copyrighted Work
Once you identify the appropriate copyright owner, you need to contact them in writing to request permission.

Fair Use
Fair use balances the rights of creators against the rights of those who want to reuse their works. Learn how fair use works under U.S. copyright law and whether it will work for you.

Finding Free and Reusable Media
Discover how to find images, videos, or music that you can use rights-free.